PRT systems run on clean renewable energy. Systems can run off clean Solar Power.
Transportation solutions that rely on use of existing roadways do not meaningfully relieve congestion. Adding freeway lanes, services like Uber and Lyft, even the introduction of driverless cars sharing the road – none of these have are expected to have much impact on congestion in the near- or even medium-term
The U.S. Accounted For 11 Of The Top 25 Cities Worldwide
With The Worst Traffic Congestion
Plan. Finance. Operate. Partner.
We speak Engineer, We speak Finance, We speak City.
Dendera LLC (Dendera) is a Los Angeles-based company interested in forming varying
public-private partnerships (P3).
Varying types of P3s are open to exploration:
BOT (build–operate–transfer), BOOT (build–own–operate–transfer), BOO (build–own–operate), BLT (build–lease–transfer), DBFO (design–build–finance–operate), DBOT (design–build–operate– transfer), and DCMF (design–construct–manage–finance).
Dendera is offering to attract financing, operational and marketing services.
Dendera’s team and affiliations allow for experts to work together with backgrounds in investment banking and finance, Aerospace, project management and product development, as well as marketing and branding through 25+ years of expertise.
Ongoing relationships and providing feedback to PRT vendors to provide specific roadmaps for mass market acceptance of PRT
Dendera is uniquely positioned to help in raising capital for project financing, offer owner/operator services, and coordinate engineering and feasibility efforts.
The Foundation for the Future.
Dendera is currently in the process of meeting municipalities all over the country to raise awareness, build relationships and offer turnkey services ranging from finance to owner-operatorship. We are looking for public/private partnerships to implement these kind of systems.

PRT stands for Personal Rapid TransitTM. PRT is public transport that features small
automated vehicles operating on a network on specially built guideways.
Currently, five automated transit networks are operational:

PRT stands for Personal Rapid TransitTM. PRT is a public transport system featuring small automated vehicles operating on a network of specially built guide ways. PRT is a type of automated guideway transit (AGT) or part of an automated transit network, a class of system which also includes larger vehicles all the way to small subway systems.
PRT vehicles are sized for individual or small group travel, typically carrying no more than 3 to 6 passengers per vehicle. Guide ways are arranged in a network topology, with all stations located on sidings, and with frequent merge/diverge points. This allows for nonstop, point-to-point travel, bypassing all intermediate stations.
No Stopping. The PRT takes you directly to your destination.
No Waiting. The PRT comes to you when you press the ‘call button'; like an elevator. No more schedules. You’ll never miss another bus or train.
Comfortable. The vehicles hold 2-4 people. No crowds.
Cheaper. PRT systems costs less to build than conventional mass transit systems like subways or light rail.
Relieves Congestion. PRTs can be built using elevated guideways so there is no loss of lanes that can be used by other vehicles.
Quiet. Maglev systems have virtually no noise.
Quick to build. PRT guideways can be installed at the rate of 1 mile/week.
Scalable. The PRT system is automatically controlled to maximize efficiency and reduce cost. System speeds can range from 30-150mph. Perfect for local AND regional transportation
Next Generation of PRT and GRT
There are several more systems that will be coming on-line within the next 18 months. Advancement in PRT propulsion systems have lead to a new generation of maglev transit systems that can achieve speeds of 80+mph, as opposed to the conventional rubber wheel.
One California-based PRT company, is currently constructing a maglev pilot system. With the presence of magnetism instead of wheels, the system is more efficient in its initial capital costs as well as maintenance and operations.
If you would like to see Personal Rapid TransitTM developed for your city, contact
Scott McNeely | 833. 336. 3372 |
Scott McNeely: Chief Operating Officer
Jason Clark: Director of Marketing
Mukunda (Muku) Singhal: Engineering & Business Developement
Nina Linh: Government Liaison
Deborah Goldfarb: Marketing Strategist
Melissa Patrick: Business Affairs
Dendera LLC (Dendera) is a Los Angeles-based company interested in forming public-private partnerships (P3) with municipalities and developers that will benefit from Personal Rapid Transit in their transportation planning. Dendera is offering to attract financing as well as provide day-to-day operational services and marketing for Personal Rapid Transit systems. Varying types of P3s are open to exploration: BOT (build–operate–transfer), BOOT (build–own–operate–transfer), BOO (build–own–operate), BLT (build–lease–transfer), DBFO (design–build–finance–operate), DBOT (design–build–operate–transfer), and DCMF (design–construct–manage–finance).
Dendera’s team and affiliations allow for experts to work together to provide a wide view of the project’s feasibility. Our team has backgrounds in investment banking and finance, prior working history in Aerospace in system analysis (see authorship of San Jose’s 2013 feasibility study), project management and product development at Boeing, large project roll-out of solar panel programs in So. California at Southern California Edison, as well as marketing and branding through 25+ years of expertise in the film and television industries.
For the last 5 years Dendera has been an active driving force to help PRT vendors expedite their development efforts and provide specific roadmaps for mass market acceptance of PRT as an alternative to current transportation choices. This includes establishing and maintaining relationships with vendors, interested municipalities and financial institutions. Dendera is uniquely positioned to help in raising capital for project financing, offer owner/operator services, and coordinate engineering and feasibility efforts.
Dendera Inc. has already begun to engage the California Public Utilities Commission in laying the procedural groundwork for safety, guideway and system performance criteria. In the U.S., Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 659 delegates fixed guideway (PRT, APM, monorail, LRT, heavy rail, cable car, and heritage trolley) public transit safety certification to the states, with a series of minimum requirements placed on each state’s regulatory agency. CFR 659 envisions mature transit systems and, accordingly, is less rigorous about “designing safety in” compared to the UK Rail Authority safety regime. There are 44 regulated fixed guideway systems in 27 states.

Dendera's long-term plans includes PRT for mass local Traffic as well as a first-mile, last-mile solution for existing public transit offerings. Additionally in creating strategic partnerships we can provide long-range expansion. Hyperloop developers have agreed to partner with us to create mass transit options for any City or State. The estimated system costs range from $12-20 million per mile which is also significantly less than light rail projects which have costed $100 million per mile.